Welcome To Healthy Fields Health, Agriculture Wholesale & Retail Market​
(Home of Kefir Kombucha Dragon Fruit Plants)
Our Products and Service is Amazing
You can Buy Organic Milk kefir Grains, Culture retail and bulk options available...!
You can Buy Organic Water kefir Grains, Culture retail and bulk options available..!
You can Buy Organic Kombucha Culture retail and bulk options available...!
You can Buy Organic Sugar, Soyabeans, Wheat seed, Wheatgrass Trays, Tempeh, Natto and so much more...!
You can Buy White Flesh Dragon Fruit plants and cuttings from us for Commercial farms and Home Growers We always have Specials available...!
You can Buy Red Flesh Dragon Fruit plants and cuttings from us for Commercial farms and Home Growers We always have Specials available...!
You can Buy Purple Flesh Dragon Fruit plants and cuttings from us for Commercial farms and Home Growers We always have Specials available..!
You can Buy Yellow Skin Dragon Fruit plants and cuttings from us for Commercial farms and Home Growers We always have Specials available...!
We have over 88 Different Dragon Fruit plant Varieties available
We are the Dragon Fruit Association of Africa International, all our commercial farmers that is farming with our plant material, is on the Dragon Fruit Association of Africa International network.
The Network : consists of market agents for local and international markets, to supply the fruits, as we are building capacity in South Africa and Africa to Produce quantities, that will allow the export of the fruit to other countries. The Network also provide guidance for the use of pesticides and chemicals or organic measures of pest control and fertilizers. You are also connected to a farmers network of farms right thru Africa and South Africa, the Network consist of countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa, Mauritius, Namibia
We offer The Best Prices on commercial packages and Smallholding plant packages Please Check out our Product page, and we export to all countries in Africa and South Africa from Cape Town to Egypt, the UK, USA, and Europe
We have Paid online consultations options, and also offer paid one on one consultation for a minimal fee
We developed a How to Farm Dragon Fruit manual that we are offering on our website, and we are writing and adding constantly to the eBook, pdf. and all the buyers for this book we offer a free updated book every year.